Cucumber Calamity!

This small stunted cucumber is the only one harvested from four plants. There were lots of little yellow flowers, but unfortunately they didn't develop into big juicy cucumbers. I'm not sure what went wrong - not enough or too much water, too hot a position or a lack of the right insects to pollinate the flowers. Does this mean I've given up on cucumbers? No, I'll try again next season, but I'll grow them on a climbing frame instead of allowing them to meander across the raised garden bed. Regular feeding won't go amiss and perhaps a little more attention  to watering, especially when the plants are in flower.

Finally! Flowering Together!

I thought this was never going to happen. The  two dwarf patio geraniums at my back door are flowering at the same time.

A Welcome Find!

There are a few mysterious mounds dotted around our block, but we were pleasantly surprised by this one. Under a layer of dried grass was some top soil. At a minimum price of around $30.00 per cubic metre this was a very welcome find. Needless to say we have put it to good use.

Goodbye Summer! Hello Autumn!

Yesterday, the last day of summer was hot, hot and humid, with temperatures over 35&#176C. But summer did not leave quietly. Early evening saw a thunderstorm cell sweep through bringing with it a heavy downpour which eased to steady rain lasting for over an hour.

Overnight we had more rain. Checking the gauge this morning, I was very happy to see that we had a total of 10 mm. While not a huge amount, it was very welcome. The forecast for the coming week is for much cooler temperatures, low to middle 20s, with minimums of between 6 and 10 C. Hello autumn!