Green is the predominant colour in my garden:  different shades, but green nonetheless. So I get very excited when flower buds appear and even more so when they open, bringing other colours into the garden. Unfortunately, some are short lived, but are greatly admired while here.

This azalea struggled to flower in previous years, but this winter/spring the flowers were 
spectacular. The pot is situated on the eastern side of the house and receives sun until early afternoon.

I believe this is a deciduous azalea (mollis)  as it is looking very sad now that the flowers have disappeared and the leaves are losing their colour and falling. This plant was nearly consigned to the garden waste bin the first year I had it, until I discovered there was such a thing as a deciduous azalea.

I love the lime green of the leaves that complement the flower colour of this indica azalea, which also gave a good show over winter/spring. The colour is mauve ice and the double flowers were lovely. Its pot is also on the eastern side of the house. Both azaleas were fed regularly with Thrive Soluble Flower and Plant Food and Seasol.

When first planted this Hardenbergia Violacea 'Happy Wanderer' was very pretty and healthy, but unfortunately it suffered  damage from an early spring frost. It is making a come back now, so hopefully by next winter/spring it will cover the trellis and  have a beautiful display of flowers. This popular Australian native also comes in pink (Hardenbergia 'Rosea') and white (Hardenbergia 'Alba'), which I would like to add to my garden.

Lavender in bloom is always pretty. It makes a lovely backdrop to the striking colours of the blue irises.

This tulip was given to me as a gift. I hope it flowers again next year.

Late afternoon sun was catching the golden flowers of this wattle. The photograph was taken back in July when the tree was at its best.

Crimson bottle brushes are my favourite, followed by the red. I would like to add a white bottlebrush to my garden.

I grew this zygocactus from a cutting and was rewarded by lovely pink flowers.

Agapanthus beginning to flower

Ivy-leafed Geranium
Large wild iris or fairy iris
Rock rose
Vibrant red abutilon, Patio Lanterns Passion
Eclipse Patio Geranium, zonal, velvet red (dwarf variety)
Abutilon 'Pink Swirls' (Chinese Lantern)

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